
Once your order ships, we expect you to receive your order within 5 to 10 business days after shipment.
So far we have experienced less than 10% delays. Due to worldwide shipping restrictions, we reserve the right to cancel orders. We will always notify you if a cancellation occurs.
Shipping: Free shipping on all orders.
If you do not receive a shipment/delivery notification within the specified processing time or shipping date, please notify us by sending an email to and include your order number.
Item not delivered?
If you have not received your order within the estimated delivery time, please contact us for another 2-3 days as the package may be delayed. Once the item is shipped and the customer is notified, it is the postal service’s responsibility to ensure that the package is delivered accordingly. Please note that there will be no refunds for lost packages, however if lost we will resend the item at our expense. is evidence that the package cannot be traced.